TEAM ADO participated
in the Canberra Times Fun Run
on 6 September 2015
Over 30 walkers, joggers, experienced athletes and couch potatoes pounded the pavement as part of this year's Team ADO and were a force for the rights and protection of animals.
THANK YOU to everyone who participated!

To donate to the ADO:
To donate to our annual fun run fundraiser, please click on this link: https://heroix.everydayhero.com.au/event/ctfunrun2015/donate/4265
Choose an amount and follow the prompts – thank you :)
The Fun Runs/Walks:
The Canberra Times Fun Run is on Sunday 6 September. Team ADO is entered in all 3 distances.
14km start: 8am, Yamba Drive, Phillip
10km start: 8.30am, Yamba Drive, Phillip
5km start: 9.30am, Old Parliament House
All races end at the Rond Terraces in Commonwealth Park.
You can register in the race up until Friday 4 September 2015.
To register:
Go to: https://www.realbuzzregistrations1.com/events/fairfax/the-2015-canberra-times-fun-run/details
Enter a login and password.
Select ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Are you part of a team?’
Select ‘No’ to the question ‘Are you creating a team?’
From the team menu, select ‘Team ADO’.
Enter the password ‘Animaldef1’.
Fill in the rest of your personal details and follow the prompts.
Note that as Team ADO you can enter in any of the 3 distances (5km, 10km, 14km).
You will then be taken to the charities page. You can donate to or fundraise for the Animal Defenders Office on a separate page (ie not part of this process), so select ‘Next Page’.
You will be taken to the ‘Shop’ page then the payment page (it costs to enter each race (child/adult): 5km: $30/$40; 10km: $35/$50; 14km: $45/$55).
Once you are registered, you will receive an email with your eticket and race number.
You will need to collect your race bib in the week before the race (usually from Woden).
ADO volunteers help out on the day
Five heroic ADO volunteers are helping out the race organisers this year by handing out medals to entrants. So when runners and walkers cross the finishing line, it will be an ADO volunteer giving them their medals!
To fundraise for the ADO:
Go to the 'Fundraising' section on the Canberra Times Fun Run website:
http://www.canberratimesfunrun.com.au/raising-money/ -
Select 'Start Fundraising'. You will be prompted to create a personalised fundraising page
Under 'select charity' search for and select ‘Animal Defenders Office’
A personalised fundraising page will then be created.
Share your page on Facebook and start raising funds for the ADO – thank you :)