As a not-for-profit community legal centre focussing on animals and the law, we rely entirely on donations from the public. We receive no government funding or assistance.
Unfortunately due to government policy, donations to oganisations such as the ADO that aim to educate the community about issues affecting animals are not tax deductible. See here for details about the types of animal charities that are eligible for deductible gift recipient status.
We are run entirely by volunteers so if you can make a donation, all of your hard-earned money goes to achieving our aim of using the law to protect animals and advocating for law reform on their behalf.
Donations can made using the PayPal button below, or by bank transfer to:
Account name: Animal Defenders Office Incorporated
BSB: 062900
Account number: 10842226
If you'd like to be on ongoing supporter and make a recurring donation, you could use our bank details above to make a monthly donation. Or click on the 'select your own amount' option below, choose an amount, and select 'Make this a monthly donation'. Recurring donations made through PayPal can be changed or canceled at any time.

A $50 donation would pay our electricity bill for our little office for a month

A $70 donation would pay our internet bill for our little office for a month

A $60 donation would pay our professional indemnity and volunteers insurance bills for a month

$20 would pay a month's membership of our State and National Community Legal Centre peak organisations

A $80 donation would pay for a return train trip to Sydney to attend Court

A $100 donation would pay for a stall at an event to raise awareness about animals and the law

A $200 donation would pay for our Post Office Box for a whole year!

A $300 donation would help cover our printing costs for our animal law fact sheets

A $250 donation would pay the rent on our little office in Canberra's CBD for a month

Select your own amount - it all helps run our community legal centre for animals and their defenders!

Many thanks in anticipation